snow adventure

Find the best places to ski,snowboard,and more.

skiing condtions

Ski condtions, its been years since we have see so much snow on the west coast of america, with a popular ski resort mammoth already reaching the snow fall from last year.

"According to the California Data Exchange Center, a division of the California Department of Water Resources, the snowfall in December 2022 has built up 174% of normal snow-water equivalent for this date, already more than half of the total snowpack that typically falls prior to Apr. 1."-pogressive farmer DNT

the link below gives you a update on the snow falling on the west coast.

Snow respotrs on the west coast

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Best snowboards

Finding the best snowboard for you is never easy since there are millons out there, but I hope this guide helps you out a little.

There are hundreds of snowboardes all used for diffrent conditon and style of boarding.

first step is to figure out what style of boarder you are and what snow condtions you board.

this link below shoul help provide you with options for a board that will fit you best


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Equtiment on sale

this post is updating you on equitment on sale.

There are very limted items on sale for snow equtiment during the winter. The best idea is to purchase your product during the summer inorder to get the best deal.

Test out the equitment your intrested in during the spring, inorder to purchase it during the summer

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